What is the first thing you do when you discover a strange occurrence (e.g., somebody is lying on the ground in a strange place, at a strange time)?
How long do you check breathing on an unconscious person?
In what way do you give chest compressions to a baby during CPR?
What do you do with a child who is unconscious and not breathing?
When do you call 112 when resuscitating a child/baby if you are alone and have a mobile phone handy?
When do you call 112 when resuscitating a child/baby if you are alone and do not have a mobile phone handy?
Can babies and/or children have agonal breathing?
Can an AED be used on a drowning person still (partially) in a pool of water?
How do you perform respiratory monitoring in babies and children?
In the event of a resuscitation (according to NRR guidelines), when are civilian rescuers (HartslagNu) not called?
Where are you more likely to survive CPR?
What is the survival rate for out-of-hospital resuscitation?
What percentage of CPR survivors have a good quality of life one year later?
What does the chain of survival comprise?
Who determines the Dutch resuscitation guidelines?


Easy start, First Aid (Eng)