0% What is the first thing you do when you discover a strange occurrence (e.g., somebody is lying on the ground in a strange place, at a strange time)?Mind your own safety.Undress the victim so that CPR can be started and does not have to be interrupted when placing the electrodes of the AED.Looking for the do not resuscitate me statement (e.g., a necklace).Asking to get an AED. How long do you check breathing on an unconscious person?Exactly 10 secondsAt least 10 secondsMaximum 10 secondsUntil you've seen 1 breath. In what way do you give chest compressions to a baby during CPR?By placing your index and middle finger on the centre of the chestBy placing your thumb on the centre of the chest and the other thumb on the first thumbBy placing 1 hand (not 2 hands!) on the centre of the chest areaBy placing your hand on the centre of the chest and on top of that the second hand, hooking the fingers of both hands together What do you do with a child who is unconscious and not breathing?Immediately start CPR in the frequency of 15 chest compressions and 2 breaths.Immediately start CPR in the frequency of 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths.First breathe 5 times and then immediately start CPR.First breathe 5 times, then check if the child is breathing independently and if not start CPR. When do you call 112 when resuscitating a child/baby if you are alone and have a mobile phone handy?Immediately after detecting unconsciousness, call 112Immediately after you check breathing and the child is not breathing, call 112After you discover that the child is not breathing and you have given 5 breaths, call 112After you have discovered that the child is not breathing and you have given 5 breaths and resuscitated for a minute, call 112 When do you call 112 when resuscitating a child/baby if you are alone and do not have a mobile phone handy?Immediately after detecting unconsciousness, call 112Immediately after you check breathing and the child is not breathing, call 112After you discover that the child is not breathing and you have given 5 breaths, call 112After you have discovered that the child is not breathing and you have given 5 breaths and resuscitated for a minute, call 112 Can babies and/or children have agonal breathing?Yes, this can occur in babies, children and adultsNo, this occurs only in ("mature") children and adultsNo, this occurs only in adultsNo, this occurs only in babies/children over 8 months and adults Can an AED be used on a drowning person still (partially) in a pool of water?Yes, the AED can be used without any problemsYes, but the place where the electrodes come must be made dry firstNo, the victim must be moved and dried.No, the victim must be moved, but the body may still be wet. How do you perform respiratory monitoring in babies and children?In the same way as for adults with 2 (if possible, otherwise 1) fingers lift the chin and tilt the headWith children in the same way as with adults; with babies, however, do not tilt the head, but keep the face straight upwardsIn both children and babies, do not tilt the head, but keep the face straight upwardsFor babies in the same way as for adults, for children aged between 1 and 4 years, however, do not tilt the head but keep the face straight upwards In the event of a resuscitation (according to NRR guidelines), when are civilian rescuers (HartslagNu) not called?If the AED is already connected.On drowning people.If the ambulance can be at the scene quickly.For children. Where are you more likely to survive CPR?At the hospital.Outside the hospital.Makes no difference whether in or out of hospital. What is the survival rate for out-of-hospital resuscitation?1:21:41:101:20 What percentage of CPR survivors have a good quality of life one year later?10-20%40-50%< 10%80-90% What does the chain of survival comprise?Immediate 112 call, immediate CPR, early defibrillation, early specialist CPRImmediate CPR, rapid ventilation, early defibrillation, early specialist resuscitationImmediate 112 call, immediate CPR, rapid ventilation, early defibrillationImmediate 112 call, rapid assistance civilian responders, early specialist resuscitation, rapid transport to hospital Who determines the Dutch resuscitation guidelines?NRRERCAHAANZCOR Loading... Easy start, First Aid (Eng)